Barry Callebaut at a glance

Barry Callebaut presentation

Barry Callebaut at a glance

Headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, the Barry Callebaut Group is the world's leading manufacturer of high-quality chocolate and cocoa products, mastering every step in the value chain from the sourcing of raw materials to the production of the finest chocolates. We are the heart and engine for the chocolate industry and our mission is to be number one in all attractive customer segments. We are a business-to-business company, fully vertically integrated with a strong position in cocoa-origin countries and a unique global footprint.

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Barry Callebaut at a glance

This is Barry Callebaut - 

Growing the world of chocolate and cocoa! 

  • We employ more than 13,000 people operating out of more than 40 countries
  • We run 66 production facilities and 26 CHOCOLATE ACADEMY™ centers across the globe
  • We generated annual sales of about CHF 8.5 billion in fiscal year 2022/23  (ended August 31, 2023)
  • We have comprehensive competencies in the art of making chocolate and cocoa products - from sourcing and processing cocoa beans to producing the finest chocolates, including chocolate fillings, decorations and compounds.
  • With more than 175 years of chocolate heritage, the Barry Callebaut Group has an unparalleled blend of expertise in cocoa and chocolate, including insights into future consumer trends which we gather through our chefs network.
  • With a comprehensive portfolio of brands & products, we are serving three main customer audiences:
    • Food & Beverages Manufacturers: Global, regional and local food manufacturers use Barry Callebaut's chocolate and cocoa products as ingredients in their consumer products.
    • Artisans & Chefs: Professional users such as chocolatiers, pastry chefs, bakeries, hotels, restaurants and caterers rely on Barry Callebaut's premium chocolate products and on its convenient, ready-to-use and ready-to-sell products offered under a variety of gourmet brands.
    • Vending: Barry Callebaut’s various beverage brands offer a rich variety of chocolate, cocoa and cappuccino vending mixes to its global customer base in the vending sector.
20% of all chocolate and cocoa products consumed in the world contain Barry Callebaut.

We source every fifth cocoa bean grown worldwide, creating delicious chocolate & cocoa experiences

As a business-to-business company, the Barry Callebaut Group serves the entire food industry, from global and local food manufacturers to artisanal and professional users of chocolate, such as chocolatiers, pastry chefs, bakers, hotels, restaurants or caterers.

We are able to provide our customers with added-value products and services adapted to specific market needs, ahead of trends and at a competitive price.

Barry Callebaut is the outsourcing partner of choice for leading global and local food companies with which we have a number of long-term partnership agreements. We are also the world's largest supplier of gourmet chocolates and specialties products. The global brands catering to the specific needs of these Gourmet customers are Callebaut® and Cacao Barry®Carma® and the decorations specialist Mona Lisa®.

Our business model

The Barry Callebaut Group is mastering every step in the value chain from the sourcing of raw materials to the production of the finest chocolates.

As we do not own any cocoa plantations, we source our most important raw material, the cocoa bean, directly through well-established presences in cocoa origin countries from cooperatives, intermediaries and government bodies.

We are a business-to-business company. In order to accommodate price fluctuations in raw materials, we use a cost-plus pricing model that passes on raw material prices directly to our customers for a large part of our business.

Our input factors are talented people, profound chocolate and cocoa know-how, as well as unparalleled sourcing capabilities of raw materials. Our output factors are high-quality chocolate and cocoa products complemented by value-adding services.

Barry Callebaut Flowchart Value Chain
From the cocoa bean to the finest chocolate and cocoa products - Barry Callebaut is present in all stages of the cocoa and chocolate value chain.

Our competitive advantages

With more than 175 years of chocolate heritage, the Barry Callebaut Group has an unparalleled blend of expertise in cocoa and chocolate, from the sourcing of the beans to insights into future consumer trends which we gather through our chefs network. Through leadership in innovation, we help our customers grow. Combined with our cost leadership, this makes us the preferred outsourcing partner of the food industry. We have long-term partnership agreements with leading global and local food companies. We are present on the ground in all key origin countries and have a long-standing commitment to sustainability.

Barry Callebaut uniquely positioned in industrial chocolate and cocoa markets
The chocolate and cocoa markets: The competitive landscape in which the Barry Callebaut Group operates.
Barry Callebaut has the greatest cocoa grinding capacity compared to peers. Peers include Cargill, Olam, Guan Chong, Fuji Oil, ECOM, Mondalez, Ferrero, JB Foods and Golden Harvest.

Our global footprint

We are a fully vertically integrated business and have a unique global footprint with 66 factories and 26 CHOCOLATE ACADEMY™ centers around the globe. The Barry Callebaut Group runs cocoa factories in the main cocoa origin countries as well as chocolate factories close to our customers. We are able to provide our customers with added-value products and services adapted to specific market needs, ahead of trends and at a competitive price.

Our vision and values

Barry Callebaut's vision and values.

Everything we do is rooted in our five core values – customer focus, passion, entrepreneurship, team spirit, and integrity.

We believe in doing well to do good. This is also reflected by the fact that about 30% of our dividends support the Jacobs Foundation, which is dedicated to education and the future of young people.

Our strategy

There are four long-term strategic growth priorities at the center of our BC Next Level strategy launched in September 2023:

These will be supported by a streamlined, tech-enabled organization and best-in-class sustainability.


Geographical split

The Barry Callebaut Group is organized into 5 different Regions:

  • Region WEU (Western Europe),
  • Region CEE (Central & Eastern Europe),
  • Region NAFTA (North America),
  • Region LATAM (Latin America), and
  • Region AMEA (Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa).

The globally managed Global Cocoa business is reported as a separate segment like a Region.

Overall, Barry Callebaut operated 66 factories worldwide by the end of fiscal year 2022/23, doing business in 138 countries.

Barry Callebaut Sales Volume by Region - Geographical View

Our Regional and Product

Our Regional and Product split
Left image: Sales volume by region in tonnes: EMEA (45%; 1,036,227), Americas (27%; 619,747), Asia Pacific (7%; 157,074), Global Cocoa (21%; 467,877)
Right image: Sales volume by product group in tonnes: Cocoa products (21%; 467,877), Food manufacturers (67%; 1,530,076), Gourmet & Specialities (12%; 282,972)

Sales volume by Product Group

Barry Callebaut is serving various customer segments - from global and local food manufacturers to artisanal and professional users of chocolate - through three different Product Groups: Food Manufacturers Products, Cocoa Products and Gourmet & Specialties Products.

Barry Callebaut Sales Volume by Product Group

Key figures fiscal year 2022/23 (as per August 31, 2023)

Sales volume 2,280,925 tonnes
Sales revenue CHF 8,470.5 mio
Operating profit (EBIT, recurring) CHF 659.4 mio
Total employees 13,754
Total factories 66

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