Barry Callebaut appoints Patrick G. De Maeseneire as new CEO as of June 1, 2002

Separation of strategic and operational management in the interests of corporate governance

The Board of Directors of Barry Callebaut AG, the world’s leading manufacturer of cocoa and chocolate products, has appointed Patrick G. De Maeseneire (born 1957) as its new CEO and thus successor to the current CEO Andreas Schmid effective as of June 1, 2002 at the latest. As announced earlier, Barry Callebaut is separating the functions and responsibilities of Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in the interests of corporate governance.

Patrick G. De Maeseneire has held executive positions at Adecco S.A. since 1998, initially as General Manager for the Benelux countries, where he tripled revenues within three years, and then, since 2001, as President of Professional Staffing & Managed Services Adecco Worldwide in New York. He has a degree in engineering and later completed various marketing and management courses.

Patrick G. De Maeseneire represents a valuable addition to the existing Senior Management Team on account of his management activities at international companies as well as his experience in the field of marketing, sales and IT. Andreas Schmid, Barry Callebaut’s Chairman, said: “Patrick De Maeseneire brings valuable experience in consumer-related fields, proven sales and marketing skills and a strong personality, which will enhance the Senior Management Team’s existing strengths in the food business, production and sourcing.”

Patrick G. De Maeseneire is a Belgian national, married and the father of two children. His office will be located at the headquarters of Barry Callebaut AG in Zurich, Switzerland.

Barry Callebaut:
Annual sales of CHF 2.5 billion make Barry Callebaut the world’s leading manufacturer of high-quality cocoa and chocolate products. The company processes 14% of the global cocoa harvest, operates 24 production facilities in 16 countries and employs about 5,000 people. The company is divided into the Cocoa & Sourcing (Risk Management, Sourcing & Semi-Finished), Chocolate for Industrial Clients (Food Manufacturers), Gourmet & Specialties (Food Service) and, since July 2001, Consumer Products business areas. – Its clients range from industrial processors, such as the world famous branded consumer goods manufacturers who produce chocolate, confectionery, biscuits, dairy products, ice cream and breakfast cereals incorporating its products, to artisanal users, including hotels, gastronomy, chocolate
makers, pastry chefs and bakers. Barry Callebaut also provides a comprehensive range of services in the fields of product development, processing, training and marketing.
The holding company, Barry Callebaut AG has been listed on the SWX Swiss Exchange since June 1998 (ticker symbol BARN). The fully paid-up share capital amounts to CHF 517 million, divided into registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 100 each.
Barry Callebaut AG will publish its interim 2001/02 results on April 9, 2002.

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