Snacking bar ruby ganache

With this snacking bar recipe, you can’t go wrong! Especially the ganache recipe will make the sparkling taste and colour of ruby stand out in your bonbons and bars. When mixing ruby with water-based ingredients such as milk or cream, you actually change the natural pH of ruby which causes its taste and colour to fade. That’s quite normal and easy to remedy. By adding colour from natural ingredients (such as beetroot or fruits), or by adding acidity from fruits (e.g. lemon, raspberry, etc.), you can restore the pH and bring the original colour back.


Created by
  • Ryan Stevenson - Baker, Paddock Bakery

Snacking bar ruby ganache

ingredients preparation
  • 60g
  • 60g
    raspberry puree
  • 5g
    raspberry powder
  • 152g
    35% cream
  • 76g
    sorbitol powder
  • 55g
  • 54g
    glucose DE 60

Warm to 35°C.

  • 679g
  • 61g
    dry butter PF28

Melt to 35°C. Add to previous mixture and emulsify.

Immediately pipe into moulded praline shells. Leave the ganache to crystallise 4 hours at 16°C before closing the shells with tempered ruby chocolate.