Ruby Granite Pearls
Each type of chocolate answers a different consumer need. White chocolate, with its sweet, creamy flavor, is perfect for sharing experiences with friends and family. Milk chocolate satisfies our need to unwind and relax, thanks to its richness and versatility. And the bitter, strong taste of dark chocolate is an excellent way to recharge and boost our self-esteem.
Ruby answers the consumer's need for hedonistic indulgence, meaning the quest of ultimate pleasure. Its unmatched taste is an intense sensorial delight because of the tension between berry fruitiness and smoothness. Don’t just take our word for it -
Independent research by Ipsos shows consumers’ enthusiasm about ruby.

Ruby Waffles
Consumers like ruby chocolate because of its unique look and are extremely curious to try it. They love the taste, so ruby is here to stay and will undoubtedly change the future of the confection industry.
Ruby chocolate is recognized as the food trend for 2019 all over the world and as one of the biggest breakthroughs in decades according to chefs and chocolatiers. The innovation was featured in global entertainment shows such as Saturday Night Live, Masterchef and the Academy Awards.
At this year’s ISM, the world’s largest trade fair for sweets and snacks, eleven brands announced the introduction of ruby in their products. Check out the crowdsourced platform rubychocolate.com to see an overview of launches by brands around the globe and what ruby consumer experiences are trending.