Breton snack bar

Breton biscuit

ingredients preparation
  • 275g
    85% fat butter
  • 90g
    icing sugar
  • 10g
    pasteurized egg yolks
  • 250g
    weak flour
  • 50g
    potato starch
  • 4g

1 / Slightly cream the butter and pour into a mixer bowl with the spatula.
2 / Add the icing sugar and mix at a low speed until it is completely integrated.
3 / Keep adding the egg yolks and then the flour with the starch previously sieved.
4 / Once the mixture is completely homogeneous but not emulsified, pour it into a piping bag.
5 / Pour 30gr of butter into each mould.
6 / Baking: 160ºC – 12 minutes – open air intake – medium ventilation.
7 / Freeze once cooked. 

Chocolate coating

ingredients preparation
  • 800g
  • 230g

1 / Melt all the ingredients at 45ºC.
2 / Pre-crystallize at 31ºC and set aside to coat the biscuit.


Once the biscuit is completely frozen, stab with two skewers and dip half way in a bowl of pre-crystallized chocolate.
Leave to rest over a plastic sheet until it fully crystallizes.


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