Soft Dark Gelato

Soft serve chocolate gelato gets a whole new dimension when you can tell your customers it’s made with real Belgian chocolate! With ChocoGelato Fondente, you can prepare your preferred recipe in just minutes and create a full-bodied gelato flavour with a warm brown colour. While you enjoy the convenience of this 61.5% dark chocolate premix, your customers enjoy the only soft gelato on the market made with real Belgian chocolate!


Created by
  • Fabrizio Di Marzio -

Soft Dark Gelato

ingredients preparation
  • 1bag(s)
  • 2800g
    hot water (70°-85°)
  • 100g

Mix together with immersion blender for ± 2 mins.
Leave to rest in refrigerator (3-5°C) for ± 30 mins.
Pour into soft gelato machine for churning and serving.