Cacao Naturale

Want to spoil your customers with a natural gelato taste and texture? Van Houten’s most original Natural Light brown cocoa powder brings out the original taste and the naturally appealing colour of roasted cocoa beans in all your Italian ice cream recipes. The high cocoa butter content (10-12%) creates a rich, creamy mouthfeel in your gelato that will surely make your customers come back for more.


Created by
  • Fabrizio Di Marzio -

Cacao Naturale

ingredients preparation
  • 1kg
    liquid white base
  • 80g
    Van Houten cocoa powder Natural Light Brown

Mix together with immersion blender for ± 2 mins.
For a better structure, leave to rest in refrigerator (3-5°C) for ± 30 mins.
Pour into batch freezer and start churning.
4 kg (± 4.5 L) of gelato ready to serve.
Leave to rest in blast freezer for a few mins.