Black garlic and Ocumare chocolate

black garlic
ingredients | preparation |
Mix all the ingredients together and bring to the boil. Whizz in the food processor and strain through a cheesecloth. Add the gelatine leaves, previously soaked, and leave to rest. When the temperature reaches 30-35 ºC, strain into a bowl over the chocolate cream. Gel directly in the serving dish (Torres Brothers chalice). |
Ocumare couverture cream
ingredients | preparation |
Heat the milk and cream and bring to boil. Scald the egg yolks, slightly tempered, and return the mixture to the heat. Bake at 85ºC using a pallet knife to stir continuosly to avoid that it sticks. Strain on the couverture and emulsify. Strain on the bottom of the bowl (Chalice Torres Brothers) without exceeding 1 cm so that the dish is not excessively sweet or the black garlic flavour remains. |
Maragda couverture discs
ingredients | preparation |
Melt the couverture at 45 ºC and temper at 30 ºC. On dipping paper and using a piping bag, make tiny dots quickly so they do not set too soon. Sprinkle the Selección 22 cocoa powder using a sieve. Place another sheet of dipping paper on top and squash the chocolate and cocoa dots using a bottle top or something flat in the correct size. Set aside with a weight on top. |