Orange and ginger chocolate steamed sponge with caramel drambuie ice cream and hot dark chocolate sauce

Orange and ginger chocolate steamed sponge

ingredients preparation
  • 120g
  • 120g

Combine and cream.

  • 100g
    sifted flour
  • 1spoon(s)
    baking powder
  • 20g
  • 1piece(s)
    large egg(s)
  • 2spoon(s)

Add the sieved fl our, baking powder and cocoa powder alternately with the beaten eggs and milk. Add to the butter and sugar.

  • 50g
    crystallized ginger
  • 1piece(s)
    orange zest

Stir in gently

Grease 8 dariole moulds with butter. Pipe the batter into the moulds (no more than ¾ full). Cover with buttered greaseproof paper and tin foil. Steam for 40 minutes. Unmould the hot puddings and serve immediately. 

Caramel drambuie ice cream

ingredients preparation
  • 200g

Make a dry caramel.

  • 600ml
    3,25% full fat milk
  • 300ml
    double cream (48%)

Combine and warm. Pour onto the caramel and bring to the boil.

  • 75g
  • 90g
    egg yolks

Whisk together. Pour onto the caramel cream. Cook out to make a crème anglaise. Allow to cool.

  • 3spoon(s)

Add and churn.

Dark chocolate sauce

ingredients preparation
  • 150g
  • 150g
    double cream (48%)

Cook for one minute in a microwave oven at full power. Stir well to create a smooth sauce.

Chocolate nest

ingredients preparation
  • Q.S.

Pipe thin strands onto a frozen marble. Remove from the marble and curl to create a tight nest. Refrigerate for at least 20 min.

Chocolate decoration

ingredients preparation
  • Q.S.

Dip an offi ce knife into the chocolate. Position a strip of IBC Bronze Line Transfer (ref. 2313CB) at the edge of your worktable. Place the knife on the transfer. Pull the knife away from the transfer using the table edge to clear the knife. Allow to set for at least 20 min. before removing.