Tablette 'Caprese'


Created by
  • Greg Hook - Cacao Barry Ambassador - Chocolate Arts

Tablette 'Caprese'

Keeping each of the parmesan cheeses separate, spread them in a thin layer on a silpat. Bake at 275° F.
Bake until the thin grated parmesan is completely medium brown & the thick grated parmesan is light brown in spots.
You may have to pull one cheese out before the other.
When the cheese is taken out of the oven put on paper towel to absorb the fat.
You are looking to have the thin parmesan be nutty & completely crunchy. You are looking to have the thick parmesan to be mostly a bit crunchy but it is ok to have slightly softer spots.
Slice the tomatoes in 3 mm slices & lay on silpat. You may use the end pieces as well as some pieces are garnish & some pieces will be chopped. Dust with icing sugar & bake in a 225° F oven until dry.
Reserve enough nice slices to lay out on top of your tablettes.
Make a sugar syrup and while hot drop in the basil leaves. Pull out the leaves almost immediately.
Spread basil on silpat and bake in a 225°F oven until dry but not too crisp.
Take the non-garnish tomato pieces, the thin parmesan & the basil & chop together into a medium fine dice.
Break the coarse parmesan into large pieces that will fit into your tablette mold.
Mold a thin shell in your tablette mold.
Place in the large pieces of parmesan inside giving as much coverage without laying any on top of each other.
Sprinkle with small amount of the basil mixture.
Pipe chocolate on top of the cheese leaving the occasional spot of cheese uncovered.
Sprinkle on small amount of basil mixture and lay on the tomato slices ensuring they are pressed into the chocolate so they will not fall off when unmolding.