Paris Brest 2.0

Choux pastry chips
ingredients | preparation |
Boil |
Pour and thicken with |
Add |
Spread out thinly between 2 Silpat mats.
Crunchy Ghana shortbread (for the bottom pistol)
ingredients | preparation |
Mix |
Bake at 160°C on a Fiberpain mat. |
Add |
Use at 24°C. |
Praliné Piémont 55% Ghana filling (top pistol)
ingredients | preparation |
Mix |
Spread at 24°C. |
Barcode decoration
In an Elegant Pistol mold add pieces of Scotch tape of various widths on half of the surface of the pistol in order to form a barcode. |
Place the choux pastry chips on the crunchy Ghana hazelnut shortbread and assemble both pistoles. |