White chocolate, Banana and Caramelised Sesame Tablet

caramelised sesame

ingredients preparation
  • 35g
  • 35g
    black sesame
  • 35g
    white sesame

Place all the ingredients in a saucepan and caramelise.
Spread out in a tin lined with paper and leave to cool.
Store in an airtight box.

chocolate, sesame and freeze-dried banana

ingredients preparation
  • 105g
    caramelised sesame seeds (80% sesame - 20% confectioner's sugar)
  • 60g
    freeze-dried banana pieces
  • 730g
  • 95g
    cocoa butter

Lightly crush the sesame and banana with a rolling pin.
Temper the white chocolate with the cocoa butter and mix with the sesame and banana.
Pour into tablet moulds.
Leave to set and remove from the mould.


You can make the tablet in two ways:
by mixing all the ingredients together, so the freeze-dried banana becomes more impermeable and stays crispy for longer,
or by pouring the couverture and adding the banana and sesame on top.
In the latter case, place it in a flowpack for a better preservation.