Cacao Chantilly

Uses: Choux, petits gateaux, entremets, verrines, etc.

Tips: Heating up a fifth of the cream to dissolve the cacao powder and sugar ensures a homogeneous chantilly.

What is the best cocoa powder? Légère 1%

Why? This defatted cacao powder delivers a deep and intense chocolate taste to your chantilly witn nice red brown hues. Scientific recommendations: The very low content of cocoa butter in the Légère 1% powder helps keep the structure of the chantilly compared to a standard cacao powder.


Created by
  • Martin Diez - Director, Chef Services Americas, Chocolate Academy™ Center, Chicago

Cacao Chantilly

ingredients preparation
  • 80g
    Cream 35%

Heat up the cream to 50°C.

  • 40g
  • 25g

Add the cacao powder and the sugar and gently dissolve.

  • 320g
    Cream 35 %

Add the remaining amount of cream and homogenized using the immersion blender.

Allow to cool for 2 hours before whipping.

Whip using the whisk attachment.