Ruby Peak Tablet with Rose Petals and Cranberries

Preparation in the mould

ingredientes preparación
  • 2kg
  • 10g
    rosas comestibles, secas
  • 300g
    arándanos secos
  • 5caja(s)
    Molde Carma Peaks (MLD-CARPEAK-M00)

Recipe for around 30 peaks bars.

Scatter the dried rose petal over the ‘peaks’ mould. Then line with tempered Ruby Azalina couverture on the vibromachine. Scatter a few more rose petals and some cranberries on top. Beat well, to get rid of as many air bubbles as possible. Leave to set and turn out of the mould.

  • 2kg
  • 10g
    rosas comestibles, secas
  • 300g
    arándanos secos
  • 5caja(s)
    Molde Carma Peaks (MLD-CARPEAK-M00)

Recipe for around 30 peaks bars.

Scatter the dried rose petal over the ‘peaks’ mould. Then line with tempered Ruby Azalina couverture on the vibromachine. Scatter a few more rose petals and some cranberries on top. Beat well, to get rid of as many air bubbles as possible. Leave to set and turn out of the mould.


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