Pisatchio velvet chocolate finger

Cocoa sable base

ingrédients préparation
  • 220g
  • 6g
  • 170g
  • 100g
    jaunes d'oeufs

Mix butter, sugar, and salt. Add egg yolks.

  • 260g
  • 20g
    Baking powder

Sieve together flour and baking powder. 

  • 20g
    pâte de cacao
  • 60g
    Chocolat noir belge Callebaut® Finest (N° 70-30-38-E4-U71)

Add melted chocolate in the first mix with cocoa mass, and the flour with the baking powder.

  • Q.S.
    Beurre de cacao Callebaut® Mycryo

Sprinkle when cooked

Cool down the dough, place in the frame size 60cm *40cm, 3mm high. Cool down and cut to rectangular size of 18cm*3cm. Freeze and place individual between silpain and cook at 170°C for 7-9min.

Pistachio feuilletine

ingrédients préparation
  • 220g
    Velours au chocolat blanc Callebaut®
  • 270g
    Callebaut® Pure Pistachio Paste (NPO-PI1-T62)

Melt and Mix Together at 40°C

  • 85g
    pailleté feuilletine

Add and mix

Pour in 40 cm x 60 cm baking tray with silpat. Bake for ± 15 mins. at 180°C. Use ± 20 g per chocolate cup.

Velvet mousse

ingrédients préparation
  • 70g
  • 1/2gousse(s)
  • 18g
  • 18g
    zeste de citron

Bring to a boil together

  • 124g
    Velours au chocolat blanc Callebaut®

Strain over the chocolate

  • 154g
    crème fouettée

At 30˚C, fold in semi whipped cream

Place between guitar sheets and spread to 3mm high. Freeze and cut into rectangular finger of size 18cm*2.5cm. Allow to freeze before assembly. Dust sides with pistachio powder during assembly while still frozen.

Yellow chocolate plaque

ingrédients préparation

Temper and spread out very thin between guitar sheets

Cut into rectangular size of 18cm*3cm. Leave in the chocolate room to use for assembly.
Use Mona Lisa pencil to place on the individual assembled finger pastry