Bubbly Gold caramel verrines

Caramel Doré Mousse

ingredienti preparazione
  • 264g
    Callebaut® Finest Belgian Caramel Chocolate Gold
  • 23g
    Burro di cacao Callebaut® (CB-655)

Add together.  

  • 233g
  • 22g
    sciroppo di glucosio

Boil together. Pour over previous mixture.

  • 38g
    massa gelatinosa

Mix in

  • 469g
    panna montata

Add when previous mixture is at 35°C.

Use ± 35 g per chocolate cup.

Pain de Gênes

ingredienti preparazione
  • 187g

Thin with cutter. 

  • 79g
    uovo/i intero/i
  • 45g
    tuorli d'uovo


  • 163g
  • 59g
    zucchero semolato

Whip up together. Add to previous mixture.

  • 69g

Sift and add.

Pour in 40 cm x 60 cm baking tray with silpat. Bake for ± 15 mins. at 180°C. Use ± 20 g per chocolate cup.


1. Cut Pain de Gênes into small discs with pastry cutter (± 3.5 cm diameter and 1 cm thick)
2. Use 2 discs per Bubbly Gold Cup. Cut small biscuit cubes with offcuts.
3. Put 1st disc on bottom of the cup.
4. Pipe Gold Chocolate Mousse on half of the cup.
5. Put on 2nd disc & finish filling the cup with mousse.

Decoration A

ingredienti preparazione
  • Q.S.
  • Q.S.
  • Q.S.

Cover Tagliatelli Dark CHD-ND19956E0-999 with Gold Creative Metallic Powder CLR-19165-999. Put in mousse. Sprinkle with Crunch Gold MAW-CL-199923E4-999. 

Decoration B

ingredienti preparazione
  • Q.S.

 Put biscuit pieces on mousse. Sprinkle with Crunch Silver MAW-DE-19912E0-999.