9-Month Key Sales Figures 2019/20 -
Media & Analyst Webcast

9-Month Key Sales Figures 2019/20

9-Month Key Sales Figures 2019/20 -
Media & Analyst Webcast

Access to join the webcast

To access the conference via webcast, please use the following web link:


Please note: the short presentation will be followed by a Q&A session with Antoine de Saint-Affrique (CEO) and Remco Steenbergen (CFO). If you want to ask questions during the Q&A session, you need to also join the audio conference call (audio signal only). You are free to join the audio conference call anytime before or during the HYR presentation (to avoid interference, it is recommended to mute this audio signal during the presentation).



Access to join the audio conference call (for Q&A session):

To ask questions during Q&A session, please use the following link:


  1. Please enter your name and email address
  2. You are now registered and can proceed to ‘Go to teleconference’.
  3. After choosing the country you are dialing-in from, you will get your dial-in number and a personal access code. Please dial in using the number and your personal code followed by the #. You will hear music until the presentation starts.

Please note that you are able to enter questions for the Q&A session already during the presentation: type *14 to place a question; type *15 to withdraw a question.

In case of technical issues, please use the chat feature on the web page you registered for the audio conference call.
