Many thanks, Andreas Jacobs!

Dr. Andreas Jacobs, Chairman Barry Callebaut AG

Many thanks, Andreas Jacobs!

Our Chairman, Andreas Jacobs, is going to step down from his post at the Shareholders Meeting of December 2016. He was at the helm of our company for the past eleven years - leaving an amazing legacy. We all at Barry Callebaut would like to warmly thank Andreas Jacobs for this vision and great leadership. Without him, our Group would not be where it is today!

Barry Callebaut’s remarkable success is clearly attributable to the stewardship and farsightedness of Andreas Jacobs. Andreas Jacobs joined the Board of Directors in 2003 and was elected its chairman in December 2005. After eleven years at the helm of our company, he will be stepping down from his post at the Annual General Meeting 2016.

Barry Callebaut owes its departing chairman a lot. The company’s undisputed global leadership in cocoa and chocolate production is largely due to the bold strategic decisions that Andreas Jacobs made in recent years. He had the strength and determination to turn his visions into reality. Andreas Jacobs had little appetite for short-termism nor was he obsessed with the next set of quarterly results, neither as Chairman nor as a representative of Jacobs Holding AG, our majority shareholder. Passionate and knowledgeable about every aspect of the company, caring for the people as much as he was for building the business for the long term, Andreas Jacobs has been a formidable ambassador of Barry Callebaut with all its stakeholders. As custodian of family values which are at the heart of our company, he carefully introduced his brother Nicolas Jacobs to the duties of a Director enabling the family’s intergenerational succession plan.

The Jacobs family will therefore continue to be duly represented on our Board.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Andreas Jacobs for his strong leadership that has helped make Barry Callebaut what it is today.

The Board of Directors, Executive Committee and employees of Barry Callebaut

Dr. Andreas Jacobs, Chairman Barry Callebaut AG, Opening Ceremony Turkey Factory in 2013

Andreas Jacobs, stepping down as Chairman of Barry Callebaut at the Group's Annual General Meeting in December 2016, at the opening ceremony of the chocolate factory in Eskişehir/Turkey back in fall 2013.

Patrick De Maeseneire, proposed for Chairman of Barry Callebaut at the AGM 2016

Patrick De Maeseneire, proposed for election as new Chairman of Barry Callebaut.

Patrick De Maeseneire proposed for election as new Chairman

The Board of Directors of Barry Callebaut proposes Patrick De Maeseneire for election as Chairman at the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) on December 7, 2016. Patrick De Maeseneire served as CEO of Barry Callebaut from 2002 to 2009. Since November 2015, he is the CEO of Jacobs Holding AG, Barry Callebaut's majority shareholder. Mr. De Maeseneire is Vice-Chairman of Barry Callebaut since December 2015.

Raphael Wermuth

Raphael Wermuth

Working as the Head of Digital Media & Publishing at in the Corporate Communications team of Barry Callebaut. Married. Father of a son. Loves outside sports such as running and mountain biking - sometimes also a pool swimmer. As a social media affluent living extensively both on- and offline. Find me also on

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