More than just chocolate: Barry Callebaut’s comprehensive portfolio for future market demand – already today

Press Release
Chocolate products

More than just chocolate: Barry Callebaut’s comprehensive portfolio for future market demand – already today

Press Release
Trend-spotting in an ever-changing chocolate market.
  • Barry Callebaut presents a stunning booth at the ISM 2013, the world’s leading confectionery trade exhibition in Cologne (27/01/2013 – 30/01/2013; Hall 10.2 booth C10 D19)
  • Visitors get a unique peek at the defining market trends and the company’s foresighted answers
  • Discover which products and activities offer an answer to the increased focus on identity, indulgence, authenticity, value, simplicity and responsibility

Barry Callebaut, the world’s leading manufacturer of high-quality cocoa and chocolate products, offers its customers a glimpse of the future: At this year’s ISM trade exhibition in Cologne, Germany, the company presents a series of insights, indicating the trends of tomorrow’s chocolate market, already today. In an ever-changing market environment consumer demand evolves continuously. Through its comprehensive range of innovative products, Barry Callebaut shows that its offerings go way beyond mere chocolate. 

A wide array of products, programs and initiatives demonstrates how consistent Barry Callebaut is gearing up for the future. “At Barry Callebaut we don’t stop at producing today’s chocolate. In addition, we constantly look into ways how to respond to latent consumer preferences and taste. Therefore we are very pleased to share our insights in what we believe to be the six main market trends, allowing visitors to explore the opportunities for new ideas, new markets, and innovative products,” says Sofie De Lathouwer, Marketing Director Food Manufacturers Western Europe at Barry Callebaut.

Barry Callebaut's insights – six important consumer trends

My Daily Luxury – “One minute of pure delight - That’s my daily luxury.”

‘My Daily Luxury’ reflects not only the increasing demand for top-notch quality, but also for pure enjoyment. Consumers are looking for more than just a product. They want to maximize the quality of their consumption and expect products which offer moments of happiness and emotional fulfillment. Premium brands are hence constantly challenged to offer new, unprecedented taste sensations but also taking their services to the next level.

Using only the highest quality ingredients, Barry Callebaut does just that: the company offers luxury products, redefining the terms exclusivity and rarity. New luxury is no longer about what you own. It’s about how you feel. A perfect example is Terra Cacao™ chocolate, made with cocoa with zero defects and zero off-flavors, resulting in an exquisite product with a pure intensive taste.

The Mignature™ range is another excellent illustration of how Barry Callebaut embodies the motto “less is more”: especially in the current economic climate, the biggest sensations come in the smallest of packages. The range includes delights such as mini chocolate vermicelli and pearls, mini chocolate flakes (or Splitters®), mini chocolate nibs and the delicious Crispearls®. Fillings that are just as appealing as their name – ‘Désir’ – are also part of Barry Callebaut’s approach to offer that little bit extra - a moment of sheer indulgence.

Smart & Convenient– “Smart ideas make my life easier.”

‘Smart & Convenient’ expresses the increasing demand for affordable indulgence and a growing focus on the essence of value. Today’s consumers are searching for ways to maximize their limited personal time and budget resources. They look for high-performance, but – at the same time – reasonably priced products by shopping online, comparing prices but also buying in bulk. Customers are even prepared to switch brands if the perception of value warrants it.

Barry Callebaut meets these expectations and develops smart and creative solutions offering affordable, but still convenient luxury: Shiny Pearls, for instance, offer individual portions, easy to use in simple preparations. Barry Callebaut’s ‘Free-from’-range including dairy free alternatives to milk chocolate as well as its Sweet by Fruits™ chocolate – a chocolate integrating a sweetening solution entirely derived from fruits – are ready to use products for consumers suffering from allergies or just looking for a guilt free indulgence.

Virtuous simplicity – “Close to nature is close to me.” 

‘Virtuous simplicity’ expresses the value of simple choices and delights. Consumers are faced with an overabundance of choice, an excess of information and an endless array of decisions, decisions to make about what to eat and how their food choices impact on their health and wellbeing. At the same time, they are looking for intelligent products and services that simplify this decision-making process. It is important to reassure consumers, to offer them both flexible and ‘quality of life’ products.

Barry Callebaut markets simple, wholesome ingredients with inherent nutritional benefits, made through authentic production processes respecting the ingredients’ qualities and intrinsic goodness. Take for example Barry Callebaut’s recent acquisition of la Morella nuts: Based on a longstanding tradition of processing nuts in the founder’s family, this company brought the artisanal techniques of roasting and caramelizing nuts to perfection. La Morella nuts manufactures outstanding nut products delighting customers who look for natural, simple and healthy products.

My Food– “I take my food very personal.”

Tomorrow’s consumers want to be treated as individuals, and expect goods that are as distinct and unique as they are. This personal identification will take many forms: high quality ingredients, a focus on craftsmanship, limited editions and exclusive products. It’s all about personalization: textures, colors and flavors will convey the experience of scarcity and with it: uniqueness.

Therefore, Barry Callebaut seeks to create a very personal engagement through customized products, allowing consumers to see their claims fulfilled in the products they buy. The company does so by offering a wide variety of specific options such as transfer sheets with a personal message, creamy fillings that can be flavored with trendy ingredients as well as colorful decorations.

Human and local – “I love originals.”

Respect for authenticity, provenance and diversity is founding the basis for the development of an increasingly ‘local’ flavor in the future: In a more than ever globalized market place, consumers increasingly pay attention to the root character, to the ‘soul’ of the product. ‘Human and local’ expresses the importance of authenticity, of the origins, and of the tradition of quality. More and more, heritage will become the dominant criterion for measuring quality and building consumer trust across all age groups.

Barry Callebaut has an extensive range of origin chocolates and cocoa powders sourced around the globe. It does so with a consistent and profound respect for the individual specificities of the local production and the ingredients used as well as for the local communities the company is in relation with. Regional positioning such as Barry Callebaut’s in-house ‘Belgian Chocolate’ and ‘Swiss specialties’, will tap even further into this national and regional pride. Through its Quality Partnership Program (QPP), Barry Callebaut also attaches great importance to growing chocolate in a responsible and sustainable way, increasing yields and quality, and improving farmer livelihoods.

Respect and responsibility– “The future is my responsibility, too.”

The story behind the product is increasingly important. ‘Respect and responsibility’ are the embodiment of values such as trust and sustainability. Consumers are becoming more sensitized with regards to food brands and the way how they source, produce and treat local communities, encouraging companies to be very open about their proceedings and accountable for their acts.

Barry Callebaut is a frontrunner in sustainability matters and offers all certification schemes such as Fairtrade, UTZ Certified, Organic, Rainforest Alliance. With its own Quality Partner Program (QPP), a long-term sustainability program aimed at assisting cocoa farmers in Ivory Coast and Cameroon with trainings and support, Barry Callebaut strives to improve the livelihoods of cocoa farmers and their communities, as well as the quality of the cocoa.

Respect and responsibility also entail catering for special dietary needs and specific religious demands for which Barry Callebaut provides proof through its comprehensive offerings of certified products, using transparent and easily accessible information.

Barry Callebaut – more than just chocolate

In sync with global consumer market trends and through continuously developing customer-centric solutions, Barry Callebaut strengthens its position as global leader in cocoa and chocolate innovations and an all-round solution provider for the food industry.


Barry Callebaut:
With annual sales of about CHF 4.8 billion (EUR 4.0 billion / USD 5.2 billion) for fiscal year 2011/12, Zurich-based Barry Callebaut is the world’s leading manufacturer of high-quality cocoa and chocolate – from the cocoa bean to the finest chocolate product. Barry Callebaut is present in 30 countries, operates around 45 production facilities and employs a diverse and dedicated workforce of about 6,000 people. Barry Callebaut serves the entire food industry focusing on industrial food manufacturers, artisans and professional users of chocolate (such as chocolatiers, pastry chefs or bakers), the latter with its two global brands Callebaut® and Cacao Barry®. Barry Callebaut is the global leader in cocoa and chocolate innovations and provides a comprehensive range of services in the fields of product development, processing, training and marketing. Cost leadership is another important reason why global as well as local food manufacturers work together with Barry Callebaut. Through its broad range of sustainability initiatives and research activities, the company works with farmers, farmer organizations and other partners to help ensure future supplies of cocoa and improve farmer livelihoods.


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