The Crazy Shake
Upgrade your menu with milkshake recipes inspired by Van Houten 5 Colours of Ground Chocolate for drinks. Which of these original milkshakes will you be creating next?
A splash of berry madness with an exotic coconut feel.
A donut on top too? Yes. It's The Crazy Shake.

The Crazy Shake
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1. Prepare a chocolate ganache by dissolving 100 VH Ground Ruby Chocolate in 50 g hot water (93-96°C) and pour into a squeezable bottle. 2. Decorate the inside of a glass with the VH ruby chocolate ganache. 3. Mix 80 g VH Ground Ruby Chocolate ganache with 70 g coconut milk and 180 g strawberry or raspberry ice cream. 4. Pour into a glass and decorate with whipped cream, the VH ruby ganache, MonaLisa strawberry blossoms and a donut. Decorations