Juergen Steinemann

Director since 2015, German national
Juergen Steinemann

Juergen Steinemann

Juergen Steinemann (1958) was elected to the Board of Directors of Barry Callebaut AG at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in December 2014. He served as CEO of Barry Callebaut from 2009 to 2015.

Before joining Barry Callebaut, he served as a member of the Executive Board of Nutreco and as Chief Operating Officer since October 2001. Nutreco is a leading global animal nutrition and aquaculture company, headquartered in the Netherlands. From 1999 to 2001, Juergen Steinemann served as CEO of Unilever’s former subsidiary Loders Croklaan, which produces and markets specialty oils and fats for the food industry. Between 1990 and 1998, he was with the former Eridania Béghin-Say Group, where he held various senior positions in business-to-business marketing and sales, ultimately in the “Corporate Plan et Stratégie” unit at the head office in Paris.

In addition, Juergen Steinemann currently serves on the following Supervisory Boards: METRO AG (Chairman), a leading international specialist in wholesale and food retail trade; Bankiva B.V. (Chairman), a leading player in the European poultry meat market; Big Dutchman AG (Vice Chairman), the market leader in feeding systems and housing equipment for pig and poultry production; and Lonza Group Ltd (member) one of the world’s leading suppliers to the Pharma & Biotech and Specialty Ingredient markets.

Juergen Steinemann is an entrepreneur who holds several investments in the food and agri industry. Furthermore, he serves as a Senior Advisor on the Advisory Board of Tower Brook Capital Partners LP.
