Meet Barry Callebaut's employees - Noah Appiah

Noah Appiah

Meet Barry Callebaut's employees - Noah Appiah

Meet Noah Appiah, a devoted Sector Manager and cocoa farmer in Kumasi, Ghana.

Equipped with a degree in Business Studies, Noah Appiah began his career in the Ghanian cocoa industry in 1998. He took up his current position at Nyonkopa on January 1, 2016, shortly after its acquisition by Barry Callebaut:

I head operations for one of the ten sectors of our direct sourcing unit, which buys cocoa from over 10,000 farmers.

With 12 district managers reporting directly to him, he enjoys applying a harmonious blend of people skills and technical expertise.

The focus of Noah’s work is monitoring and assessing what happens out in the field:

This embraces many aspects, from checking processes and stock levels, to evaluating teamwork and providing coaching where necessary. During a typical week I spend one day in the office, and on the other days, I visit two districts.
Noah Appiah

In his “free” time Noah works on his own small cocoa farm:

I love to positively impact so many people, from colleagues and customers, to my extended family.

What remains on his wish list for the future?

A life full of peace.
Cornelia Sibold

Cornelia Sibold

Working as a Webmaster in Barry Callebaut's Corporate Communications Team, Cornelia is passionate about trekking, traveling, nature and languages. As a mountain enthusiast, you will most probably find her tackling some remote summit in the Alps, Andes or the Himalaya.

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