Barry Callebaut works with suppliers and partners to foster improvement in our sugarcane supply chains by creating value and addressing key risks. We currently verify our cane sugar as sustainable through Bonsucro certification. We joined Bonsucro’s sustainable sugarcane initiative in 2017 to address the myriad issues impacting sugarcane farmers and provide a sustainable supply of cane sugar for our customers' chocolate creations.

Bonsucro’s vision is a sugarcane sector with thriving, sustainable producer communities and resilient, assured supply chains. Their mission is to ensure that responsible sugarcane production creates lasting value for the people, communities, businesses, economies and eco-systems in all cane-growing origins. Bonsucro’s strategy builds a platform to accelerate change for the largest agricultural commodity in the world – sugarcane.

Sustainable cane sugar excludes forced and child labor, ensures healthy and safe working conditions, protects land rights and avoids any negative environmental impact, especially loss of biodiversity. It is also traceable to mill level.

Barry Callebaut is working in the Mexican Sugarcane sector to achieve its Forever Chocolate goals in collaboration with peers and the industry. It is implementing a project with a supplier, a peer, and Solidaridad  (an international civil society organization with over 50 years of experience in developing solutions to make communities more resilient) to create a responsible recruitment training module that can be scaled to assure the protection of worker rights while improving livelihoods.

Barry Callebaut is also working with another supplier, three peers, and Proforest to implement responsible recruitment, reforestation, and the use of biological amendments to replace synthetic fertilizers. Meanwhile, in Brazil, we are developing similar programs to reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers that cause significant emissions of greenhouse gases, decrease soil health, and cause water pollution while being expensive for farmers.

Barry Callebaut is also sourcing Bonsucro certified sugar in many origins to meet the market demands for sustainable ingredients and support the sector’s certified suppliers for their demonstrated commitment to ethical production.

Contact your Barry Callebaut sales representative to enable the sustainable sourcing of chocolate ingredients, including cane sugar, in your end-product.

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