Spirit Of Kanzan

A drink as beautiful as the Japanese cherry blossoms it’s named after. Discover a glass that immediately grabs the attention of your customers.

Trends & insights: - The quest for a superior experience. - The search for balance. - Into the cold. 


Created by
  • Nir Chouchana - Barista


成分 準備
  • 1cl
    Van Houten Ground Ruby Chocolate ganache
  • 4cl
  • 4cl
  • 1dash
    Cherry bitter
  • 1dash
    Van Houten Ground Ruby Chocolate
  • piece(s)
    Ice sticks
  • 1piece(s)
    Yuzu peel


Step 1: Paint the Japanese spirit sign on the glass with the ruby ganache and dust with the ruby powder.
Step 2: Put clear ice sticks in a tumbler or mixing glass.
Step 3: Add the ganache, the umeshu and sake to the glass and stir.
Step 4: Put 1 ice stick into the glass. Pour the drink into the glass, add a dash of cherry bitter and decorate with yuzu peel.
