Swiss chocolate

Swiss Hero image

Swiss chocolate

Get inspired by our specialty chocolates and discover our range of skillfully crafted Swiss chocolates. Swiss chocolate is unrivaled with its signature creaminess & fresh milky taste.

Consumers love treating themselves to premium quality products, be it fresh Argentinian beef, fine French wine of extra virgin oil from Italy. Same with chocolate: they are looking for the highest possible quality and they are willing to pay for it.

A study of 2016 shows that Swiss made is one of the most aspirational claims for chocolate in countries like the USA, Italy, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Switzerland and more. Be it the creaminess of the fresh milky taste or the fineness and purity of the chocolate, Swiss made is a great way to offer your consumers the high quality they like.

Swiss chocolate  
USA 8%
Switzerland 31%
Italy 12%
Saudi Arabia 2%
China 13%
Japan 9%
Average % willingness to pay more 12.5%

                                                                                                                                      Qualtrix study, Barry Callebaut, 2016

swiss creation

Swiss chocolate can lift the quality perception of your creations, be it chocolate tablets, muffins, croissants or ice cream. The Swiss have been perfecting their technique with incomparable attention to detail. Nowadays the finesse and purity of Swiss chocolates are impeccable. Especially the milk ones where the tender milk from the alpine pastures, gives the chocolates its signature taste.

For our signature milk chocolate, we only use Swiss milk from grass-fed cows and swiss sugar. This creates a great purity and guarantees the rounded and harmonious taste.

Swiss chocolate tablets

Swiss tablets with luscious nuts, caramelized hazelnuts, blackberry crispy whispers, etc.

At Barry Callebaut we make premium quality Swiss couvertures for artisans and brands.  With our passion and continuous innovation, we guarantee invariable - and delicious - quality. For your creations, you can select from a wide range of pure chocolates and fillings produced in a charming Swiss village of Dübendorf.

In our range of Swiss chocolates there are:

  • Chocolates for molding tablets and enrobing pralines
  • Chocolates for baking
  • Chocolates without lecithin.

This way you can savor the fine silky taste of creamy Swiss chocolate in all your creations. Adding a Swiss couverture dimension is a great way to premiumize your creations and create a multisensorial experience in each bite.

Swiss Made Chocolates e-catalog

Discover this range in the 'Swiss Made Chocolate' catalog

Swiss made chocolate

Swiss Dark Chocolate, Clean, Clear & Responsible

This pure Swiss made milk chocolate is not flavored and is without lecithin. It is perfect for enrobing and to premiumize your creations.

  • range
  • Fluidity
  • Cocoa intensity
  • Min. % Dry cocoa solids
Swiss Milk Chocolate for Molding

Milk chocolate made from only Swiss milk and sugar has a purity and finesse that is unmet. The chocolate is perfect for molding, enrobing and hollow figures.

  • range
  • Fluidity
  • Cocoa intensity
  • Min. % Dry cocoa solids