Pisatchio velvet chocolate finger

Cocoa sable base

ingredientes preparación
  • 220g
  • 6g
  • 170g
  • 100g
    yemas de huevo

Mix butter, sugar, and salt. Add egg yolks.

  • 260g
  • 20g
    Baking powder

Sieve together flour and baking powder. 

  • 20g
    masa de cacao
  • 60g
    Callebaut® Finest Chocolate Negro Belga (N° 70-30-38-E4-U71)

Add melted chocolate in the first mix with cocoa mass, and the flour with the baking powder.

  • Q.S.
    Manteca de cacao Callebaut® Mycryo

Sprinkle when cooked

Cool down the dough, place in the frame size 60cm *40cm, 3mm high. Cool down and cut to rectangular size of 18cm*3cm. Freeze and place individual between silpain and cook at 170°C for 7-9min.

Pistachio feuilletine

ingredientes preparación
  • 220g
    Terciopelo de chocolate blanco Callebaut®
  • 270g
    Callebaut® Pure Pistachio Paste (NPO-PI1-T62)

Melt and Mix Together at 40°C

  • 85g
    pailleté feuilletine

Add and mix

Pour in 40 cm x 60 cm baking tray with silpat. Bake for ± 15 mins. at 180°C. Use ± 20 g per chocolate cup.

Velvet mousse

ingredientes preparación
  • 70g
  • 1/2vaina(s)
  • 18g
  • 18g
    ralladura de limón

Bring to a boil together

  • 124g
    Terciopelo de chocolate blanco Callebaut®

Strain over the chocolate

  • 154g
    nata montada

At 30˚C, fold in semi whipped cream

Place between guitar sheets and spread to 3mm high. Freeze and cut into rectangular finger of size 18cm*2.5cm. Allow to freeze before assembly. Dust sides with pistachio powder during assembly while still frozen.

Yellow chocolate plaque

ingredientes preparación
  • 400g
    Terciopelo de chocolate blanco Callebaut®
  • 1/2
  • Q.S.
    pistacho en polvo
  • 1

Temper and spread out very thin between guitar sheets

Cut into rectangular size of 18cm*3cm. Leave in the chocolate room to use for assembly.
Use Mona Lisa pencil to place on the individual assembled finger pastry