Meet our ambassadors,
baristas and chefs


Meet our ambassadors,
baristas and chefs

Meet those who creatively push the boundaries of cacao and chocolate mixing. Those looking ahead to make their mark and contribute to the everlasting craft that is chocolate drinks.
Being a barista is an almost intimate profession. You start as a total stranger when you first serve someone. But with every cup you offer them you learn more. With every cup you serve, the boundaries fade. The most interesting conversations come out of those encounters.
Anthony Nguyen
Dhan Tamang
UK Latte Art Champion 2013-2018
Dhan tamang
VH cocoa powder
Today, going back to that first experience and exploring cocoa and chocolate drinks feels very exciting. It’s a territory that is still underexplored.
Dhan Tamang
Nicole Battefeld
German Brewers Cup Champion 2021
German Coffee in Good Spirits Champion 2019
German Barista Champion 2018
Founder, ‘Female Barista Society’
Podcast host, ‘She’s The Barista’
Nicole Batterfeld
Nicole Batterfeld
I truly believe that by pushing the limits we cannot just elevate drink culture but also address sustainability and gender equality.
Nicole Battefeld
Nir Chouchana
International Acting Mixologist
Champion de France Barista Coffee & Good Spirit 2014
Nir Chochana
Nir Chouchana
I’m intrigued by the creative territory of drinks. Creating alchemy between ingredients, flavours, textures, and temperatures is my universe. And cocoa and chocolate are an intriguing territory that invites exploration.
Nir Chouchana
Anthony Nguyen
Swedish roasting champion 2019
Anthony Nguyen
Anthony Nguyen
Call me a free bird. I’m ready to explore my next journey with cocoa. Cocoa has over 300 active components which determine taste, aroma and smell. Understanding how to use them to create emotion in every sip is what I do
Anthony Nguyen
Julie Sharp
Pastry Chef of the Year
Head of Barry Callebaut Chocolate Academy UK and Ireland
I’ve always wanted to craft with chocolate. It’s more than a job, really. It’s a way of life. I love it. And if you do it right, your customers will love it, too.
Julie Sharp
Julie sharp
Julie sharp

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