Barry Callebaut launches Cameroon chocolates and cocoa powders at ISM in Cologne

Press Release
Barry Callebaut Cameroon chocolates

Barry Callebaut launches Cameroon chocolates and cocoa powders at ISM in Cologne

Press Release
Taste the sustainable chocolate of the future already today
  • Taste the Cameroon chocolates and cocoa powders at the upcoming ISM (Barry Callebaut Booth: Hall 10.2 Aisle C010-D019) and discover today the taste of the sustainable chocolate of the future
  • First chocolate of Barry Callebaut‘s unique Quality Partner Program (QPP) in Cameroon
  • Barry Callebaut’s sustainability program QPP strives to improve the livelihoods of cocoa farming communities, while also aiming to rejuvenate the cocoa farms

At this year‘s ISM, Barry Callebaut, the world’s leading manufacturer of high quality cocoa and chocolate products, proudly launches its Cameroon chocolates and cocoa powders made with cocoa from a sustainable cultivation. Through its unique Quality Partner Program, QPP, Barry Callebaut assists the Cameroonian farmers with in-depth knowledge of cocoa farming and thus aims to improve the quality of the cocoa together with the participating cooperatives and cocoa farmers.

Cameroon chocolates and cocoa powders – appealing to all senses

The milk chocolates created with the red cocoa from Cameroon are of outstanding quality. The fertile ground of the dense rainforest in Cameroon, enriched with volcanic soil, tremendously contributes to the exceptional taste and quality of the Cameroon cocoa beans. Moreover, a special fermentation process has been put in place to ensure a maximum of flavors and aromas in the bean.

Thanks to the premium grade red cocoa, Barry Callebaut‘s Cameroon milk chocolates have an intense shine, warm color and very pronounced milky chocolate flavor. The cocoa component in these chocolates tastes pleasantly bitter with a rich fruity acidity that refreshes the palate. Combined with sweet hints of caramel and toffee, Cameroon milk chocolates are appealing to all senses.

The Cameroon cocoa powders are perfectly suited for use in bakery applications and are available under the Bensdorp brand.

Quality Partner Program: Barry Callebaut’s unique sustainability program

Barry Callebaut launched its Quality Partner Program, QPP, with cocoa farmer cooperatives in 2005 in Ivory Coast. QPP is a long-term sustainability program based on direct partnerships between Barry Callebaut and cooperatives. QPP enables and encourages farmers to grow and produce cocoa in a sustainable, responsible way. The emphasis of the Quality Partner Program is on quality: The program aims to improve quality in distinct ways, such as farmer training in Good Agricultural Practices and the usage of sustainable production, harvesting and post-harvest management practices. QPP is also working towards improving the overall quality of life of cocoa farmers and their families by offering opportunities to earn more from higher yields and the improved quality of the crops, as well as through improved access to health care and education.

In 2010, Barry Callebaut extended the Quality Partner Program to cocoa farming communities in Cameroon. More information on the company‘s QPP program is available under:

Cameroon – an important supplier of high quality cocoa with recent challenges

In the Central African country of Cameroon, cocoa is one of the most important crops grown by the local farmers. Approximately 1.4 million Cameroonians depend on cocoa for their livelihoods; they produce about 6% of the world cocoa. The red Cameroonian cocoa is of exceptional quality. Its big cocoa beans with high cocoa butter contents ensure a fine, powerful cocoa taste. Over the last decade, cocoa crop yields in Cameroon declined due to various reasons such as aging cocoa trees and poor agricultural practices. Unfortunately, the factors responsible for the declining yields have also had a negative impact on the quality of the Cameroon cocoa. Altogether, more reason for Barry Callebaut to partner with Cameroonian farmers to strive to rejuvenate their farms and support them in cultivating a sustainable, high quality cocoa.


Barry Callebaut:
With annual sales of about CHF 4.6 billion (EUR 3.6 billion/USD 5.0 billion) for fiscal year 2010/11, Zurich-based Barry Callebaut is the world’s leading manufacturer of high-quality cocoa and chocolate – from the cocoa bean to the finished chocolate product. Barry Callebaut is present in 27 countries, operates around 40 production facilities and employs a diverse and dedicated workforce of about 6,000 people. Barry Callebaut serves the entire food industry focusing on industrial food manufacturers, artisans and professional users of chocolate (such as chocolatiers, pastry chefs or bakers), the latter with its two global brands Callebaut® and Cacao Barry®. Barry Callebaut is the global leader in cocoa and chocolate innovations and provides a comprehensive range of services in the fields of product development, processing, training and marketing. Cost leadership is another important reason why global as well as local food manufacturers work together with Barry Callebaut. Through its broad range of sustainability initiatives and research activities, the company works with farmers, farmer organizations and other partners to help ensure future supplies of cocoa and improve farmer livelihoods.
