Pink heaven on earth

Pink heaven on earth

材料 下ごしらえ
  • 1
    Callebaut® ChocoGelato Fior di Cao (MXM-ICE15-V99)
  • 2kg

Mix well with immersion blender for ±2 mins. Leave to rest in fridge (3-5°C) for ±30 mins. Pour into batch freezer and start churning

  • カレボー® アイスチョコレート ルビー RB1 (ICE-43-RUBY-552)

When gelato leaves batch freezer, fill half gelato container and mix in.

Fill rest of gelato container and mix in Callebaut® Ice Chocolate ruby RB1. Leave to rest in blast freezer for a few mins.


材料 下ごしらえ
  • CHR-PC-21859
  • CHR-PN-6222

Tip: In gelato, ruby decorations keep their colour & taste for days.